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All Around Europe

So, I thought I'd inform you all that in a couple of days my boyfriend and I are off travelling around Europe- hence why there's been a slump in my posts recently as I've been hectically packing and sorting everything out. We are going inter-railing, so for those of you who haven't heard of it, it's essentially travelling from place to place via train. We are off for just over 3 weeks and in that time we have 9 stops. So, as you can imagine, we have a hell of a lot to fit into a short space of time. We start off by flying to Prague, then from there we travel by train to the following places: Budapest, Vienna, Slovenia (Lake Bled), Venice, Milan, Dijon, Barcelona and last but not least Paris. We have about 2-3 days for every stop which should be an ideal amount of time to be typical tourists and visit all the popular places as well as finding all the off-beat, hidden gems.

I often feel like Europe, and its beauty, are overlooked. People immerse themselves in the food and culture of India, Thailand, China and many other countries on the other side of the world when they travel. However, so many people forget about the charm and beauty that Europe holds, and for us in the UK, it's just on our doorstep! Well compared to the likes of Asia or Australia it is! So, because I feel like Europe is in some ways neglected, I'm going to keep you updated on every stop we make. This is of course a food blog, so I'll be sure to keep you informed on the best places to eat, the variety of food markets and of course in Italy, the best ice cream!


Thanks for taking the time to read my post, please stay posted by subscribing and follow my instagram - @beethamsbaking


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